Real No Taboo's GIANTESS of your choice!


September 24, 2016

Shrinking Phone Sex Dream!

Last night I had the most wonderful shrinking phone sex dream! I was out at a giantess club, and all the men were so tiny. It was so fun, with all the other giantesses, teasing the crown of tiny men beneath us, it was so hot! I picked one of them up and took him home with me. If he was regular size, he would be able to manhandle me but not today, I was bigger than him and I was in charge. I took all my clothes off and had him suck on my giantess nipples with his tiny mouth, he had to stretch his mouth so wide just to suck on them. I then had him crawl down my body to my giantess pussy and had him rub and suck my clit. It made me so wet, I swear he could have drowned. When I woke up, I was so horny for my shrinking man fetish! XOXO Candy 888-430-2010 Click HERE to chat with a Phone Sex Lady 😉 #phonesex #shrinkingfetish #giantesspussyworship
September 11, 2016

My Jealous Boyfriend

So I invited my boyfriend over for a surprise, you see he is the jealous type, but I want to sleep with other men, so I came up with an idea that he wouldn’t have any control over! You see I have this pill that if he takes it, it would shrink him down to 6 inches and then I would slide him inside of my sweet wet pussy and not tell him where we would be going. Then I would walk over to my new fuck boys house and take him out and sit him on the other guy’s cock as I gave him a Blowjob, and my boyfriend would be completely helpless and he would be completely hurt and ask me why I am doing this to him! At this point, I’d tell him it is because he is not a man and he doesn’t please me! But I want him too! So he just has to deal with me fucking other guys and staying with him! And that he will be permanently 6 inches for the rest of his life. Call me for some Giantess phone sex! Tawny 888-430-2010 Or click HERE to chat with a phone […]

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