Worshipping A Giantess
July 8, 2019
Macrophilia Fetish Phone Sex
September 28, 2019
I do love to take a Tiny man and press him against my panties, between my pussy lips. Whether they’re willing or not, whether they’ve got a Giantess fetish or not, they will squirm and wiggle underneath my fingers. The eager ones try to get closer, moaning with excitement while they grasp to pull themselves closer. They press their whole bodies against the warm, moist crotch of my panties and love every second of it! I don’t even know how many times they’ve rocked their tiny dicks against me until they make the smallest cums imaginable against me. Others fight and scream and do their very best to get away… I have to admit it might be cruel to tease them, press them between my panty-covered pussy lips until only a bit of their upper body is poking out. But I like it, and usually even the ones fighting end up coming like all the rest, even if they don’t want to. Sound like fun to you? Call me for some Kinky phone sex!
Click Here to chat with a phone sex Giantess!
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