September 13, 2015
You would think my cravings would decrease at some point but it only grows stronger and stronger the closer to the full moon it gets. I am witchy woman with a sexual appetite that always has me on the hunt. I love being a giantess. I just freed my last conquest, returning him to his dull normal size. mmm this time I think I need a bit of a larger toy. I must seek out a large cocked man. mmm I’m getting wet just thinking about pushing him fully into me again and again. My ass is craving attention as well. Fingers and cocks are nice, but nothing to compare with having the whole man inside me. Little hands searching, little feet kicking. Mmmm I’m getting wetter and wetter. Yes, I need a man I can shrink. I’ll cast my spell to bring men to me. I’ll have my pick and they’ll never know why they were drawn to me. Their cocks will be hard, though, when I answer the door in the nude. I’ll please the one I choose a bit first, of course. Then- he will be shrunk and all mine. mmm yes- come to me. -Liz 888-938-7382
September 12, 2015
I can’t believe what just happened. My friend and I were walking back from working our ABDL job when two men jumped out from an ally way and tried to rape us. I took out a special spray that was given to me from a gypsy woman I had helped the other day. She told me it would come in handy soon, and boy was she right. I sprayed both men and to my amazement they started shrinking. When they were done they both stood about 7 inches tall. My friend and I picked them up. We looked at each other with an evil grin. “Now who is going to get raped?” Both men shook, they were terrified. They knew they were in trouble. Oh the things we were going to do with these naughty men. My ass has been hungering for some action and tonight it was going to get it. They squirmed and wriggled, we laughed. Time to get yours tiny men. 888-430-2010
September 11, 2015
Today was a very interesting day for me to say the least. If you’re into shrink fetish phone sex then this story is for you! Now I’ve never been one to believe in fairy tales and magic potions but today that changed! I was walking to the coffee shop and I get pulled aside by a lady in front of a tarot card reading building. She tells me that she has something in her bag that can potentially be life changing. I asked her what it was in a skeptical tone and she tells me that this is a potion that can shrink anything it comes into contact with. Whether it’s an object an animal or even a human! I knew she was full of shit but she looked like she needed the money so I bought it just for the hell of it. I finally got home and decided to see if it worked just because the possibility was at the back of my mind. Once my boyfriend got home I made him a cup of coffee and put two drops of the potion in it. I knew that it was nonsense but some part of me was actually […]
September 11, 2015
One of the things I love about having a stressful day is that I can always come home and take it all out on my puny pathetic excuse of a man with some shrinking phone sex. I shrunk him a couple weeks ago and I’ve been loving every minute of it ever since. I bought him a fish tank and filled it with sand and made it his new home. I just love being able to come home and watch him run around aimlessly banging on the glass begging for me to let him out. Sometimes I’ll pick him up and toss him up in the air a couple times just to see his reaction. I find it hilarious once he gets to his breaking point and starts crying. He doesn’t even deserve to be called a man. He is my pet. Just a useless plaything for my amusement. Maybe this time I’ll squash him like a bug and wipe him all over my hardwood floors. Just the thought of him being at my mercy is enough to send me over the edge. God I love being a giantess. Crissy 888 430-2010