September 7, 2016

    Giantess Slave

    Dam baby did you get shorter? No o don’t think you’ve gotten shorter I think I’ve gotten taller! I guess those giantess phone sex vitamins I’ve been taking have really been doing their job! You know how much I’ve wanted to take charge while we’re fucking and you would always overpower me because you’re the man? Well that isn’t going to happen anymore! From this day forward you are to bow to me as your giantess phone sex queen and do whatever it is I ask of you. You’re going to be my little sexual space worker from now on that dick of yours is too tiny to put in me now! You’re just going to have to use your whole body! Crawl through my pussy like a tunnel baby and claim your prize! You know you want a shrinking phone sex babe like me! Ava 1-888-430-2010 Click HERE to chat with a phone sex Mommy #shrinkingphonesex #giantessphonesex #extremephonesex
    September 7, 2016

    Giantess sex

    I love being a giantess phone sex mistress I mean just thinking about it gets me all hot and bothered. I mean what’s hotter than shrinking a man down to a tiny little pip squeak that is forced to do all my bidding. I just might be In the mood to shrink a man down to a toy sized version of himself and use him as my new sex toy. Who needs battery powered when I can just shove you up my cunt and make you give me all the pleasure in the world. You’ll be my little sexual slave worker forced to move your entire tiny body inside my pussy and forced to be showered with pussy juice and cum as I drown you with it while in mid orgasm. You’re my new dildo and my new little sexual slave worker who loves shrinking phone sex. Crissy 1-888-430-2010 Click HERE to chat with a phone sex Mommy #giantessfetish #shrinkingfetish #giantessphonesex
    September 5, 2016

    The City of Estrellas

    People don’t seem to know about the city of Estrellas. This city is where the most beautiful giantess women are from. They have long beautiful tan legs and very ample boobies. They roam the land in search for small men to make their tiny slaves. They set out traps in the woods to catch the men then bring them back to their city to sell to the rest of the women that lived there. The women use them for everything, making the giantess’ meals and running all the errands. At the end of the day the little men would be rewarded with a nice large warm bed to sleep in. They didn’t know they would be taken advantage of in this bed. Giantess are very sexual creatures. They love to pamper their slaves behind closed doors. Every way they can think of. Call me now for some sex giantess phone sex. Star 888-430-2010 Click HERE to talk to PHONE SEX ladies #Giantess #Slaves #PhoneSex
    September 4, 2016

    Road Trip!

    So the other day my dad and I was taking a road trip to drop me off and college and we had broke down, so we needed to make a phone call well we walked up to this house and it had Adult baby statues everywhere and we didn’t really give it a second thought so we knocked on the door and this Giantess lady answered and we had explained that we broke down and needed to use the phone to call AAA. Well She said aww what cute Little Adult Babies And took us and bathed us and dressed us in cute little dresses and diapered us! My dad said how embarrassing and then on of the lovely Giantesses took my dad and shoved him in her wet pussy! My dad was so turned on that he said he could live there for ever! As could I. So he started licking and sucking on her rather large pussy lips! Wanna know what happens next? Call me for some Giantess Phone Sex! Janey 888-430-2010 Or click HERE to chat with a Phone sex mommy! #giantesssex #fetishphonesex #forcedsex