November 14, 2016
I am 12 feet tall and I love taking men that are like 5 feet tall and doing filthy things. I would have them to fist my tight ass while eating my wet pussy and then I would take him and put him back in his cage! This tiny human is my pet, I treat him as such and you don’t want to know what he gets if is in trouble! So it’s better for him to just be the obedient little dog that he is! But currently, I am inthe mood to look for maybe 2 more tiny little men. Do you know of any? OH, so you’re telling me that you’re in fact a tiny man yourself are you? Wonderful now do you know of any friends that are maybe a tad bittaller? Really good now I want you to tell me how big your cock is? Hahahaha you are proud of that?? 10 inches? Really do you think that tiny thing can please me? How funny is that? Now how about your friends is it bigger than yours? or smaller? Good and now tell me would you like to come have fun with me? Sure you do now […]
November 9, 2016
Boys will be boys, or so they say, but when they are mean to my darlings, nothing can stop my Girl’s Revenge Phone Sex. My sweetie came home from school today covered in dirt telling me how the boys were treating her. She said that they tried to peek at her panties when she was on the swing and then when she got down, touched her tiny boobies and pushed her face down in the dirt. Such a popular boy with balls of steel. I suppose we shall see what you’re made of once I lure you back to our house with the promise of cookies and video games. My girls are waiting in the wings ready to give you your just desserts when I bring you in with your hands tied behind your back. The glow in their eyes makes my pussy worship tingle with excitement. I want to see my little loves make waste of you since you think its ok to pick on girls. We strip you naked and bend you over the ottoman. I pull the belt out of your pants loops and hand it to my tear stained girl. I can’t wait to watch her […]
September 24, 2016
Last night I had the most wonderful shrinking phone sex dream! I was out at a giantess club, and all the men were so tiny. It was so fun, with all the other giantesses, teasing the crown of tiny men beneath us, it was so hot! I picked one of them up and took him home with me. If he was regular size, he would be able to manhandle me but not today, I was bigger than him and I was in charge. I took all my clothes off and had him suck on my giantess nipples with his tiny mouth, he had to stretch his mouth so wide just to suck on them. I then had him crawl down my body to my giantess pussy and had him rub and suck my clit. It made me so wet, I swear he could have drowned. When I woke up, I was so horny for my shrinking man fetish! XOXO Candy 888-430-2010 Click HERE to chat with a Phone Sex Lady 😉 #phonesex #shrinkingfetish #giantesspussyworship
September 11, 2016
So I invited my boyfriend over for a surprise, you see he is the jealous type, but I want to sleep with other men, so I came up with an idea that he wouldn’t have any control over! You see I have this pill that if he takes it, it would shrink him down to 6 inches and then I would slide him inside of my sweet wet pussy and not tell him where we would be going. Then I would walk over to my new fuck boys house and take him out and sit him on the other guy’s cock as I gave him a Blowjob, and my boyfriend would be completely helpless and he would be completely hurt and ask me why I am doing this to him! At this point, I’d tell him it is because he is not a man and he doesn’t please me! But I want him too! So he just has to deal with me fucking other guys and staying with him! And that he will be permanently 6 inches for the rest of his life. Call me for some Giantess phone sex! Tawny 888-430-2010 Or click HERE to chat with a phone […]