November 15, 2016

    I Shrunk My Boyfriend

    Honey I shrunk the kids? Nope, more like I shrunk my loser boyfriend by using a shrinking phone sex potion on him. Of course he deserved it. He was a cheater and he needed to pay! I remember walking by this old shop on my way to work and I remember seeing viles of potions, herbs, oils, you name it! So I thought oh what the hell maybe they can give me some female hormones to screw with him but the old lady gave me something way better! She handed me a vile of an unlabeled potion and told me she used it on her husband. I didn’t know what it would do but I was so angry I put it in his drink. He started shrinking immediately and i realized what was happening. The old lady gave this giantess phone sex girl a new doll to play with. Chat Conversation End Ava 1-888-430-2010 Click HERE to chat with a phone sex Mommy #shrinkingsex #giantessfantasy #giantesssex
    November 15, 2016

    Tall Girls Are Hotter!

    Why do short girls always get called cute? I think tall ones are hotter and much needed for some giantess phone sex. I’ve always been a tall girl with nice legs but none of the guys want that. They feel intimidated by their partner being taller than them. How selfish is that? So that’s what made me want to become a giantess. I’d slip a drop of a potion into their drink after inviting them over and watch them gradually starting to shrink smaller and smaller, their clothes becoming mountains of fabric threatening to squash them. I made them into my little play things. It’s just like having a barbie that’s come to life! I can do whatever I want with them and there isn’t a single thing any of them can do about it they’re under my control now because they fell victim to my shrinking phone sex plan Crissy 1-888-430-2010 Click HERE to chat with a phone sex Mommy #giantessphonesex #shrinkingphonesex #giantess
    November 14, 2016

    Cursed Tiny Man

    I was so angry at him, I snapped. I knew that if I couldn’t have him, she didn’t want anyone else to have him either. The only way I knew I would be able to make that possible was to cast a spell on him, curse him. So, I searched how to curse someone and then went out, got all of the supplies and snuck into his room while he slept. I cursed him while he slept. I made sure that any woman he laid his hands on would become giant, so big he’d be scared off. So I tested it out and sent one of my “friends” his way. She wasn’t such a good friend which is why I used her. The funny thing is, he loved it. He played with her he crawled in her giantess pussy and made her cum. He was having too much fun, bouncing on her enormous tits, fucking her with his small dick. I don’t know how a giantess could enjoy something so small. I’m sure he’s having a great time now in life. Star 888-430-2010 Click HERE to talk to PHONE SEX ladies #GiantessPussy #SmallDick #PhoneSex
    November 14, 2016

    Giantess Phone Sex!

    I love having some giantess phone sex! I mean there are so many different Role plays and sexy idea we could do! I love the idea of having a man take a potion and shrinking down to about  12 inches and placing him in my pussy and have him crawl up into my uterus an re-birthing him back as an Adult baby or I really enjoying shrinking and hiding my boy friend in my panties  then taking him over to my ex house and then have him sit on the others guys cock as we fuck so he can see how a real man fucks.Or how about shrinking a man down for my personal pleasure  and make him my little slave to worship me and the serve my body! I know  I would probably need at least 4 tiny men to fill my huge sexual desire! So maybe the guy I am into will have little  friends for me to play with as well hehe! First I would make fun of how tiny each of their cocks are and that they won’t be needing to use them any more That they will just be pleasing me and only me! Call […]