January 21, 2017
So My boyfriend has this naughty fetish! He has brought me this pill that will shrink him down about a couple of inches tall and then I will take him to some guys house and he will fuck me nice and hard and the whole time my boyfriend will be watching it up and very close. You see I am going to sit him right on the other mans cock so he can watch as it slides in and out of my wet pussy and he is so tiny that he could also fit inside me! As he is fucking me I am moaning out it feels so good I am throwing my head back and all of a sudden he starts to tense up and and he shoots his huge hot steam load of cum right deep inside me. Now here comes the fun part I Take my tiny boyfriend and shove him deep inside and tell him to start cleaning me up and jut drink up all of the cum because he is my tiny cum slut! Call me for some Giantess Phone Sex! When you call you can get free 5 mins with a paid call use […]
January 21, 2017
Look at you! You’re such a pathetic small cocked boyfriend! And you constantly act like a baby so you know what? I have a surprise for you! I made your favorite drink in the fridge. Go a head a go drink it! Now that your drinking it Your going to notice your self shrinking down to maybe the size a baby. I mean since you like whine and cry like a Adult baby! And since you won’t give me one! I figured that I would turn you into a baby! About 5 mins later poof !! Aww look at you! hehe your soo little, come here to mommy and I am going to take you and put a diaper on you and then dress you up as the cutest baby there is! And I have just the outfit for you. Its a pretty green and blue outfit with matching shoes I can’t wait to take you to your mothers house to show her how cute you are! hehe and maybe take you to some of your old friends how! What do you think they would say hehe! Or maybe to some of your exs house so they can change your […]
January 21, 2017
I love being so tall and having a group of men that just want to please me! I would have one to play and suck on each of my nipples and one in my ass maybe 2 hehe and then I would let them fill up my pussy as often as they wanted. Just to feel them squirming around in my dripping wet pussy. I would love to feel what a mans cock would feel like going in and out of me but then I start to think about it and I don’t think one cock would be able to please me as I a spoiled by having all of these little men! And looking at their small cock makes me giggle because they’re like 8 inches and that is soo tiny! I some times mock how small they’re. Then watch at their faces get flushed with embarrassment. I spoil my small men I keep a small women for them to fuck on occasion, not unless they ask my permission and she has her benefit of course I love how she does my hair and picks out my sexy clothes. Do you wanna come and tell me how we would […]
January 21, 2017
I’ve been having this reoccurring dream lately, and I just can’t seem to get it off my mind, no matter what I try to distract myself with. The dream starts off with you and me already having sex, you thrusting inside of me…or at least it looks like it. I can tell you’re putting out a lot of effort, but I just don’t feel a thing between my legs. My abdl pussy feels empty, and it aches to be filled, but you’re just not doing the job. I get so bored, so angry, that I start wishing for you to be the perfect size for me. I know it’s foolish, wishes don’t work at all, but I can’t help myself at that point. I didn’t notice anything for a few minutes, but I started to notice that you seemed…smaller. Not that miniature penis you’re working with, but your whole body! I notice about the same time you do, and at first you look so confused. Then it seems that your shrinkage starts to speed up and you seriously freak out. You roll off the bed, but misjudge because of your new size and fall face first to the floor. I […]